Wednesday 9 September 2015

Nomination for The Sunflower Blogger Award

Hey guys,


I was nominated for The Sunflower Blogger Award by my friend Adetuke Morgan on her blog, Yaayyy me:) It feels great to know that people know about my blog and appreciate it. Thank you Adetuke Morgan for the nomination. Please check out her blog guys. It is called TUKE'S QUEST and it is always an interesting read:)

So, the rules are;
1. Share 11 facts about yourself
2. Answer the questions set by the blogger that nominated you
3. Nominate 11 bloggers
4. Set 7 questions for the nominated bloggers

Here we go:):)  11 FACTS ABOUT ME:)

1. I forget things a lot so I always have to carry a notepad around with me to write down everything that comes into my head.
2. I love music but nothing gets me more than afrobeats, it just gets me going lol
3.  I hate shopping, it is just so tiring:(
4.  I can be bipolar (maybe that is not the right word to use lol); one minute I can be very happy, sociable and make so much noise and the next minute I become very quiet, distant and not in the mood to have a conversation with anyone.
5. I love to dance and look for any and every opportunity I can to dance and faaji (like the nigerians call it)
6.I love taking pictures, some might call me vain
7. I love travelling around and thanks to my parents, I have been to a lot of countries in the world but the sad part is I get air sick so always need to take medicine
8. I am afraid of dogs:(
9. I love acting, it gives me a chance to express myself in so many different ways which makes me so happy 
10. I love to help people around me, brings me so much joy:)
11. I am addicted to my phone, I cannot leave my house without it and I always carry a charger in case my phone battery dies when I am out


1. If you could represent any brand, which one would you choose and why?
I would choose to represent Google. It would be great opportunity to be in the fore-front of changing and developing technology and I am sure it would give me the opportunity to travel around the world. Also, the London offices are amazing:)

 2, What is one interesting thing you have learnt about me from reading my blog?
You are a very adventurous person which is so amazing. I did not know there were so many events and things you could in Lagos.

3. Do you have a phobia?
Yes I do. I am afraid of dogs:(

4. If you were offered an all expenses paid trip to anywhere in the World, where would you go and why?
This is a tough question because there are so many places I want to go to. If I had to choose one, I would choose Dubai. It is an amazing place with so many activities and places to go. Since it is all expenses paid, I can never be bored

5.What is my greatest achievement/What is that something you've achieved that you are most proud of?
I have a lot of achievements I am proud of.I really cannot choose one lol but I am very proud of my blog:)

6. What is your dream job/career?
My dream job would be to work in a top firm with the chance to travel around the world making an impact.

7. What is your favourite post on my blog and why?
My favourite post on your blog is the engagement one. I really loved how you described the engagement and all the different pictures you took:) Keep it up hun xx 

.Abimbola Oshodi of Bimbee01
.Mitch of Poetry is born
.Temi Fisher of Insight with MissTee
.Adeyemi Okupe of Bush Master
.Adaeze of Sugarspice and Serendipity
.Adeayo of Demiladeayo
.Brenesha of Hymnsandloubs
.Winnie of Winnieinspires

My Questions to you
1. If you had to choose to be an object, what object would it be and why?
2. If you had the chance to go back in time to change one thing about your life, what would it be and why?
3. What inspires you/ what are your motivations?
4. Describe the happiest day of your life?
5. If you were stuck on a dessert, what three things would you want to have with you and why?
6. What is your best book in the world?
7. What is your favourite post on my blog and why?

I cannot wait to read all your answers guys..Get typing LOL!

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