Saturday 4 July 2015

Another WAGAMAMA post

Hello readers,

I hope your weekend has been going great and even better than mine:)

So my last post was on how my money has almost finished and I was forced to cook for myself. Well, yesterday I had lunch with my friend X_X and since I was craving 'the firecracker meal' at Wagamama, I used two stones to kill one bird hehehe

I got to the restaurant, was so hungry and all I wanted to do was order my firecracker with chicken but my friend was running so late:(  I could not order till she came so I got myself an appetiser. I ordered a steamed bun with korean beef and red onions. Apparently, it was a new appetiser they just included into the menu so the waiter was really enthusiastic about me trying it. It was really good and if the waiter ever gets to read this, THANK YOU FOR ADVISING ME TO TRY IT:):)

After that, I finally got to order my firecracker and I LOVED IT:):) this is definitely my best meal at Wagamama.

I remember posting about a really good breakfast I once had at Wagamama( go check it again pls, its called 'Breakfast at Wagamama').  Now, I can have breakfast, lunch and dinner at this restaurant. *excited* *dancing*

My famous lunch at Wagamama;



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