Tuesday 29 September 2015


Hey people,

                                            I hope our week has been amazing:) 

Today I met a lady who is into creating food recipes, she is such a pleasant person. I would be definitely putting up some of her recipes soon:) I also met a blogger who is into everything beauty related from skin care products to makeup to fashion and so on. Please check out her blog; www.thebeautyprojectng.com

So back to the matter for today.


I am pretty excited about this post because Cold Stone is one of my favourite ice-cream places in Nigeria (for now, I can even say the world). I know so many people who love cold stone and are obsessed with it. There is just something about the way it melts and feels in your mouth. Am I right or am I right?!?!?

I am thinking about embarking on a journey to try out the different flavours. What do you think?

I cannot really compare their ice-cream with any other right now because it is just a taste and class of its own. They have different flavours even for those who are not really into really sweet desserts. You also get the chance to create your own incase you want someting totally different. They also have a 'hot stone' section so if you are feeling for a brownie with cream or a warm dessert rather than ice-cream you can have that. They also do cakes though I have not tried their cakes yet. Anyone tried them before?

I ordered the 'oreo overload' that has oreos biscuits and chocolate chips with sweet ice cream and fudge. All mixed together into a waffle cone.

My brother ordered the 'chocolate devotion' which is chocolate ice cream with chocolate chips, brownie and fudge

Anyone tried any other flavours???

                                        OREO OVERLOAD ON THE RIGHT HAND SIDE

                            CHOCOLATE DEVOTION ON THE LEFT HAND SIDE


Saturday 26 September 2015

My Sallah Celebration 2015

Hey guys

Happy Eid-Mubarak to all my muslim friends and readers out there. I hope we all had a fantastic holiday.

I had a really wonderful two days because all I did was eat and eat more hehehe I am definitely starting the fitfam life from next week:( I had a great time with friends and family except when the police stopped me and took my meat on thursday (story for another day mehn).

Dodo-Gizzard on Thursday was super delicious but no ram meat thanks to the Police (I would be putting up the recipe for this soon)

I went to a party on Friday but since I did not want the usual nigerian food, I decided to get me some Chinese:):)

Got some rice, noodles, veggies with sausages, shrimp, chicken in curry, fish in sauce and minced beef with cashew nuts

Dessert was superb:):) Red velvet cake with cream AND ice-cream on the side:):) The dessert is from HELADO DELICIA and you definitely need to try this out. They have stores in Lekki, Lagos and they do deliveries.

Chicken Shawarma with Watermelon Juice. I had never seen this can juice before till yesterday

The celebration cannot be complete without the meat:):) RAM MEAT and SUYA MEAT.

I saw a ram being killed and prepared for the first time. For one hour, I was contemplating on being a vegetarian lol

Please share how you celebrated your holiday. Any special delicacies?

Friday 18 September 2015

I can never get tired of 'THE PLACE'

Hey guys,

I hope we enjoyed our week and it was not too stressful ooo. My week was not too bad and as usual, Fridays are the best days for me. You wanna know why???  KEEP READING:)

Today, my brother and I were out the whole day trying to sort things out. At like 2pm, we got really hungry and had to eat. Luckily for us, we were in Ikeja so I drove to one of my fav places in Lagos called THE PLACE.

Everytime I go, it is always so full and I have to stand for a while to be attended to. It was free today so I got what I wanted real quick:)

I ordered boiled ripe plantain with vegetables (not african vegetable ooo) and assorted beef (tiny pieces with onions). The food was really good though the vegetable was not really obvious. I wanted something different from the usual rice and chicken. I am glad I made this choice.

My brother ordered spaghetti with fried plantain and grilled chicken. He loved the spaghetti especially because it did not have pepper (he is an anti-pepper young man). He complained the grilled chicken was dry though.

                                                            Looks a bit dry, doesn't it!?!?!

I love the fact that they have a variety of meals to offer but my issue is the small portions they give especially if you are eating in. My brother said the one in VI even has more food options than the one in Ikeja.

Btw, I just realised my recent posts have been places in Ikeja LOL....I hope to change location in my next post:) Plus the cold stone post I promised is coming soon so WATCH OUT:):)

                                 Anyone know any nice restaurant I can try out next??

Friday 11 September 2015

Amazing time at Spurs Restaurant

Heyy guys,

I hope our week was amazing and work/ school was not too stressful. I ended my week in a really good way by spending time with friends at a restaurant in Ikeja. We had dinner at Spurs. I think the full name is Seven Eagles Spur.

I had always seen the restaurant but I just never went it because I felt it would not be as good. To my surprise, the food was really good and very filling too. I did not like their icecream though:( it did not have that icecream taste mehn

We ordered the Big Chief platter since we were three. It had steak, ribs, fish, calamari. chicken wings, onion rings and chips. We were feeling very hungry and greedy when we first got in so ordered waffles as dessert. The food was very tasty, I really liked it. The ribs were grilled which tasted really nice but with no barbeque sauce, it was different. The fish and chicken wings had just the right flavour. My friends are not seafood lovers so I had the fish and calamari all to myself. The dip on the other hand was not too good so I just used ketchup as my dip.

The restaurant had a jungle setting and a really nice atmosphere. They played afrobeats and rnb in the background so it was really nice.

The highlight was when they brought in ice cream with a sparkling candle and started singing a birthday song for me. It was so cool. It was not the usual birthday song, this one was made up with my name (things like this get me excited, pls dont judge me *chris brown's voice*). It is a tradition for them to do this for every celebrant that comes there, so if your birthday is coming up soon you should go there:)

The combination of the music, food, birthday song and gist with my friends made me a very happy bunny tonight:):) Though leaving there and getting into Lagos traffic was just not the best mehn

As usual, pictures from today:):)




Wednesday 9 September 2015

Nomination for The Sunflower Blogger Award

Hey guys,


I was nominated for The Sunflower Blogger Award by my friend Adetuke Morgan on her blog, Yaayyy me:) It feels great to know that people know about my blog and appreciate it. Thank you Adetuke Morgan for the nomination. Please check out her blog guys. It is called TUKE'S QUEST and it is always an interesting read:)

So, the rules are;
1. Share 11 facts about yourself
2. Answer the questions set by the blogger that nominated you
3. Nominate 11 bloggers
4. Set 7 questions for the nominated bloggers

Here we go:):)  11 FACTS ABOUT ME:)

1. I forget things a lot so I always have to carry a notepad around with me to write down everything that comes into my head.
2. I love music but nothing gets me more than afrobeats, it just gets me going lol
3.  I hate shopping, it is just so tiring:(
4.  I can be bipolar (maybe that is not the right word to use lol); one minute I can be very happy, sociable and make so much noise and the next minute I become very quiet, distant and not in the mood to have a conversation with anyone.
5. I love to dance and look for any and every opportunity I can to dance and faaji (like the nigerians call it)
6.I love taking pictures, some might call me vain
7. I love travelling around and thanks to my parents, I have been to a lot of countries in the world but the sad part is I get air sick so always need to take medicine
8. I am afraid of dogs:(
9. I love acting, it gives me a chance to express myself in so many different ways which makes me so happy 
10. I love to help people around me, brings me so much joy:)
11. I am addicted to my phone, I cannot leave my house without it and I always carry a charger in case my phone battery dies when I am out


1. If you could represent any brand, which one would you choose and why?
I would choose to represent Google. It would be great opportunity to be in the fore-front of changing and developing technology and I am sure it would give me the opportunity to travel around the world. Also, the London offices are amazing:)

 2, What is one interesting thing you have learnt about me from reading my blog?
You are a very adventurous person which is so amazing. I did not know there were so many events and things you could in Lagos.

3. Do you have a phobia?
Yes I do. I am afraid of dogs:(

4. If you were offered an all expenses paid trip to anywhere in the World, where would you go and why?
This is a tough question because there are so many places I want to go to. If I had to choose one, I would choose Dubai. It is an amazing place with so many activities and places to go. Since it is all expenses paid, I can never be bored

5.What is my greatest achievement/What is that something you've achieved that you are most proud of?
I have a lot of achievements I am proud of.I really cannot choose one lol but I am very proud of my blog:)

6. What is your dream job/career?
My dream job would be to work in a top firm with the chance to travel around the world making an impact.

7. What is your favourite post on my blog and why?
My favourite post on your blog is the engagement one. I really loved how you described the engagement and all the different pictures you took:) Keep it up hun xx 

.Abimbola Oshodi of Bimbee01
.Mitch of Poetry is born
.Temi Fisher of Insight with MissTee
.Adeyemi Okupe of Bush Master
.Adaeze of Sugarspice and Serendipity
.Adeayo of Demiladeayo
.Brenesha of Hymnsandloubs
.Winnie of Winnieinspires

My Questions to you
1. If you had to choose to be an object, what object would it be and why?
2. If you had the chance to go back in time to change one thing about your life, what would it be and why?
3. What inspires you/ what are your motivations?
4. Describe the happiest day of your life?
5. If you were stuck on a dessert, what three things would you want to have with you and why?
6. What is your best book in the world?
7. What is your favourite post on my blog and why?

I cannot wait to read all your answers guys..Get typing LOL!

Birthday Celebrations at Jevinik Restaurant, Ikeja Lagos

Hello everyone,

My birthday was yesterday YAAAAAAAY....Happy Birthday To Me again hehehehe
I had a great day filled with so much love and care from everyone. Thank you again to everyone for the birthday wishes:):)

This year, I celebrated my birthday in a very different way and it turned out great.  To celebrate birthdays in my house,we usually go to a chinese restaurant or order food at home or just cook but this time we went to a full nigerian restaurant.  The restaurant is JEVINIK (obvious from the title eyy)

Jevinik Restaurant is a classy restaurant with a chilled vibe to it. It had this owambe bar look to it which I thought was pretty cool. Though I personally thought having a live band or african music in the background rather than any music would have made it much better and interesting for me:) The waiters are so effective and very respectful too:)

Anyway, the main 'koko' (meaning point) is the food so am going into full details now. Some of us wanted something different so I ordered coconut rice and asun meat with moi moi on the side. My mum ordered wheat with afang soup and assorted meat. My brother ordered jollof rice and chicken (he went for the usual LOL). The food was really good and so filling. As in, the portions were big though. I never h'experred it ooo LOL

The coconut rice was tasty and it had ripe boiled plantain inside it. The asun meat was very chilly (SPICY..PEPPERY..HOT..or any other word for chilly that you can think of lol) but had this suya taste to it which was different from other 'asun' I have tried before. My brother kept going on and on about how delicious the jollof rice was.

If you have not been there, you should definitely go there oooo. We went to the one in Ikeja but there are other restaurants around Lagos too. Surely, there would be one in Lekki:)

For dessert, we went to the famous COLD STONE (no comments about this place yet. It deserves a full post on its own because their ice-cream is on another amazing level mehn)



It is called Nutribix. I personally do not like it because it doesn't taste like wheat crackers to me oooooo

If anyone has tried it, let us know what you think about it:)

Thursday 3 September 2015

Home-made Breakfast smoothie

Hey guys,

I hope we are doing well and our week has been amazing. I do not get to post as much these days because of a few lifestyle changes however I have dedicated myself to posting at least once a week:)

So recently I made the decision to either have oats (with no sugar) or smoothies for breakfast. Unfortunately where I live in Lagos is too far from any smoothie place. I have to make my own smoothies. I like the idea because it gives me a chance to combine what I want but my problem is Lagos has limited fruits:(.  If anyone knows any store I can get different kinds of fruits, please let me know.

My first try was a 'CUCU-MELON' smoothie. I made up the name LOL (need to find better names hahaha). It was watermelon, cucumber and pineapple. I crushed some ice into it too. I added cucumber because I heard that aside from it being healthy, it makes the smoothie easier to blend.

It came out really good though it took longer than I thought to make:(

For those who do not already have a smoothie maker, I recommend the Russell Hobbs glow smoothie maker, it is really good and easy to clean too.

In layers; cucumber at the bottom, pineapple on top, cucumber after and watermelon at the top:)

This is how the smoothie maker looks for those who want to buy it:)