Wednesday, 11 March 2015

My Cheat Days; When I just cannot say NO!!!

Hey guys,

So I believe every human has one meal/food they just cannot say NO to. If you do not have one then I must say, I really do envy you. Well, personally I have a lot X_X but one of them would be fries or what some of you call 'chips'.

Fries are just so yummy and can be eaten with anything. It is very cheap to buy from Mcdonalds/KFC /Burger King or any other fast food and if I cannot buy, I can easily cook some up at home. For a while now, I committed myself to a NO FRIES DIET after hearing so many scary things about it and its negative effect on the body.

I was so committed till a few weeks ago:( At a friend's birthday dinner, I ordered fries with my ribs meal and then a couple of  days after I had fries as a side dish with my chicken sandwich. I admit those meals were so yummy and filling, I just had to accept those days as my cheat days:( and now working off those calories in the gym LOL

The first meal was at my friend's birthday dinner, We went to THE CHICAGO RIB SHACK restaurant:) P.S; I HAD NOT EATEN ALL DAY SO THIS WAS COMPENSATION FOR IT LOL


The second meal was a chicken sandwich with fries, The grilled chicken and salad compensated for the high calories from the fries LOL

    Do you have that food/meal you cannot say NO to?!?!? Please share:)

                                                WITH LOVE, YOUR FOOD-JUNKIE GIRL:)

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