Tuesday 11 November 2014

The Perks of road side food trucks

I do not know about anyone else but I think road side food trucks are one of the best things to be created by man. It is sad that I do not get to see as much in London but I always see a lot when I travel to other cities outside London.

I love road side food trucks because they always have delicious meals, very affordable (less than a tenner, sometimes less than 5 pounds) and in large quantities. I think the fact that they do not have to make the food in such large quantities like restaurants gives them an edge in quality and freshness.

My best experience was at Coventry City Center. My friend and I were hungry and he encouraged me to buy a hot dog at a food truck. I was amazed by the large size of the hot dogs that were grilled to perfection plus the bread was so soft and fresh :) The best part was it was less than 5 pounds :)

If you find yourself in Coventry anytime, you should definitely go to the city center and get one:)


                                                                                      WITH LOVE, YOUR FOOD-JUNKIE GIRL:)

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