Sunday 28 June 2015


Heyy guys,

So this weekend was another cousin's birthday. She celebrated it at Jimmy's world, 02 arena. The place was really big, way bigger than what I expected. It was a buffet service for 11 pounds per person (excluding drinks) which I think was a good price for the variety of food they offered.

They had various meal selections from India, China, Thailand, America, Japan and Mexico plus a selection of amazing desserts:):) You can also order freshly made meals like Chinese stir-fry and Indian naan bread:)

The food was really good though I stuffed myself more with the desserts as I was craving sugar yesterday X_X

I could not take any good picture this time as there were so many meals and I obviously did not eat all of them. I managed to take two pictures though



                                                                             WITH LOVE, YOUR FOOD-JUNKIE GIRL:)

Thursday 25 June 2015

Lunch with my team at ED's DINER

Hey guys,

I have been so busy lately hence the reason why I have not blogged in a while:( I hope you missed me when I was gone:)  

Yesterday, I went to a fancy American style restaurant for lunch with my team and I want to share my experience with you.

The name of the restaurant is Ed's Diner:) They served burgers, fries, hotdogs, chicken, desserts etc. The food was pretty much like the pub I went to for my friend's birthday. I blogged about it a while ago and if you do not remember, the post is called 'Star of Kings' (do check it out). However, the setting was different as it had more of a typical fancy American setting, like TGI Fridays:)

I ordered the CHICKEN AND BACON BBQ. It was grilled chicken breast with cheese, bacon and bbq sauce on the top with fries, coleslaw and onion rings on the side. My food was really good. The size was moderate and filling and only cost £10. 

For those who prefer burgers, they have a variety of choices. My friends who ordered the burgers said it was really good:):) I can totally say it is worth trying out:) 


                                                                     WITH LOVE, YOUR FOOD-JUNKIE GIRL:)

Tuesday 16 June 2015

My favourite chicken place

My love for chicken is unreal. It makes sense that I have a favourite chicken place, right?? I am sure everyone would agree that my favourite chicken place is one of the best places ever. You should already know it by now!! It is no other but the famous NANDOS:)

I have been there more times than I can even count. Last night I went there for dinner with my friend. I ordered my classic extra hot quarter chicken with a side of rice and a side of fries with salad. My friend ordered a chicken wrap with fries and a portion of salad. As usual, my meal was amazing:):)

Monday 15 June 2015

Our weekend treat:)

Hey guys,

This weekend my friends and I went to Haagen Dazs restaurant. We were all craving ice-cream and we thought why not do it in style hehehehe. It was a 'go hard or go home' moment. Anyway, we got there and ordered our different ice-cream flavours with waffles. It was really good:) but not very cheap though:(

                                                                         WITH LOVE, YOUR FOOD-JUNKIE GIRL:)

Tuesday 9 June 2015

GOKYUZU:The real Turkish Experience

Hey guys,

I am so excited about today's post because I have so much to tell you. Remember my previous post on my Turkish dinner and how I mentioned I was definitely going to another Turkish restaurant soon. Well, I finally went with my Turkish friends and I must say this was nothing compared to the last one. This dinner experience beats the previous one hands down.

So my friends and I went to a restaurant called 'GOKYUZU'. It is definitely a Turkish name but I have no idea what it means LOL We got in and my friends told me to leave everything to them and they would give me the full Turkish experience. I started with a large bowl of chicken soup with the flat bread. There was also a portion of yoghurt(which was totally different) but tasted really good with the bread and a portion of salad. The portion of the soup was shocking. It was so big and this chicken soup also had tiny bits of pasta(I think) in it. The bread was soft and sweet, I so loved it:)



Next was the plate of the Turkish mezze platter. It was a combination of humus, vegetable, couscous, plain yoghurt and yoghurt with wheat.

By this time, I was already getting full from all the side orders we have had but there was still the main course to come. The main meal was a jumbo platter of all kinds of meat for us to share. There was chicken wings, lamb ribs, kebab, lamb shank, grilled chicken, white rice and another type of rice (I swear it tasted like Nigerian Jollof rice).

After filling ourselves up with food, it was tradition to have some Turkish tea. I think the presentation is so cool hehehe

The final meal for the day was the amazing famous Turkish dessert called 'KUNEFE'. It is a cheesy pastry with syrup, garnished with pistachio nuts and whipped cream. It was amazingly different and very sweet.

This was certainly an amazing experience. One I would surely never forget. It is also another option for all the meat lovers out there:):)

                                                               WITH LOVE, YOUR FOOD-JUNKIE GIRL:)

Sunday 7 June 2015

The Rodizio Rico Experience

Hey guys,

I must say yesterday was AMAZING. It was the first time I had buffet at a Brazilian restaurant and it was so good. It was different from the normal buffet restaurants I had been to. They call it 'The Rodizio Rico Experience' and it was definitely one:)

When we got in, we were welcomed to a selection of gourmet salad, Brazilian street food and other side dishes. They had dishes like fried rice, fried banana, fried fish, cheese breads (which was my best one), beef lasagne, chips, vegetables and more. This was just one part of the buffet.

When we got back to our seats, we were given a card. The green side of the card turned up meant we wanted different selections of meat to be served to us. Different waiters brought all sorts from chicken to pork to beef and even garlic bread. It just kept coming and coming till we turned the card to the red side.

It was meat upon meat and they were all so yummy. There were times when we were served chicken heart and beef leg LOL. I definitely advice going there on an empty stomach to get the best experience. We did not get a chance to order dessert because of how full we were. This place definitely gets a 10/10!!!

It is a place for all the meat lovers out there :):)

Because of the way the buffet was set up, I did not get a chance to take pictures of the different meat options. Only got a picture of my first plate from the Brazilian street food and side dishes section.


                                                         WITH LOVE, YOUR FOOD-JUNKIE GIRL:):)

Saturday 6 June 2015

My first Turkish feast

Hey guys,

To celebrate life and love hehehe, my friend and I decided to go a Turkish restaurant (the name was written in Arabic). We had both never been to one before so it was exciting trying something new.

We got into the restaurant and after we had ordered, we were given a plate of soft flat bread and olives to nibble on till our food came. The olives were quite different from the ones I get at the store and more tasty. We ordered garlic and buttered prawns, lamb short ribs with rice, lamb cubes with rice which both came with a side of salad and a bottle of white wine.

The meal was good though after telling my Turkish friend about it, he told me it still was not the original Turkish delicacy so I am definitely going to another Turkish restaurant soon.

Sorry there are no pictures of the lamb cubes, the food arrived late:(

Wednesday 3 June 2015

My Detox Lunch

Today, in an attempt to detox from the burger meal I had yesterday, I decided to get a salad for lunch.

Wasabi had a salad section which was just perfect for me:) I ordered the king prawns with broccoli salad. The not so good part about the salad was the cream. Unfortunately, it was already mixed with the prawns and broccoli so I could not take it out.

In general, the salad was quite good especially coming from someone like me who is not a salad fan.

I hope we all enjoyed our lunch today just like I did:):)

                                                                         WITH LOVE, YOUR FOOD-JUNKIE GIRL:)

The Star of Kings

Hey guys,

Yesterday I went for my friend's birthday dinner at a pub called 'STAR OF KINGS'. It was a small pub with a really relaxed and chilled atmosphere. We were even encouraged to join in a pub quiz during our meal.

The menu had a selection of burgers with different names, hot dogs, chicken wings and fries. I ordered 'THE YEAH' burger which was beef with a special 'yeah sauce' and the usual vegetables. I also got the buff wings and plain french fries. The wings were so good and yummy. I literally finished 6 wings in one sitting, which just shows how good it was. The burger was fantastic and very filling. I also tried the cheesy fries and 'yeah' fries. I personally prefer the cheesy fries from all their fries options. If you are hungry, I would definitely recommend the 'HELL YEAH' burger, which is double the 'yeah' burger.

I believe the 'yeah' name is from the fact that the meals have a special sauce they call 'yeah'.

I definitely enjoyed the food here and for a pub, it was definitely good quality:):) The food service was not 100% though because they got our menu mixed up three different times:( but the prices are totally reasonable:):)


Monday 1 June 2015

The Chef Dudu Experiment

Hey guys,

Two posts in one day.. WHOOP WHOOP!!!

So on Instagram, my friend and I follow a chef named Chef Dudu. My friend decided she wanted to cook one of his meals. She made grilled plantain stuffed with pepper, grilled steak and ribs. We wanted to use fish but the fish store was closed so we used steak and ribs instead:)

It was really YUMMY:):)

What do you guys think???

All for the sweet tooth:)

Hey guys,

So I am still on the Hull matter friends and I went to a place called 'CAFE GELLATO'. Our main aim for going was to fill up with all the ice-cream we could have. Our motto was 'GO HARD OR GO HOME'!! Two of us ordered two scopes of ice cream with waffles, wafers and whipped cream. My other friend other an ice-cream mix, which I believe was different types of ice-cream in a wide cone (the first picture). I am so sure we all added 5 kilos after we finished LOL

                                                       IT WAS AMAZING!!!!